
Industrial Products

Industrial Products
Product name Composition Functional activity
Arrow Cat Catalase Peroxide scavenger
Arrow Cell Cellulase Bio-polishing
Arrow Size Amylase De-sizing
Product name Composition Functional activity
Arrow Bate Protease Bating of leather
Arrow Dehair Protease & Lipase  Removal of unwanted hair
Arrow Soak Protease & Lipase  Improved wetting efficiency of leather
Product name Composition Functional activity
Arrow Kleen (Liquid & Granules) Protease/ Lipase/ Amylase/ Mannase/ Pectinase Removal of various stains from milk/ carbohydrates/ natural oil/ digestive foods
Product name Functional activity
Papain/ Protease/ Phosholipase For amino acids/ peptides

Animal Health

Animal Health
Product Generic Nature Application


• Alpha Galactosidase

• Amylase Pectinase

• Beta Glucanase

• Cellulase

• Lipase

• Phytase

Generic enzymes as feed supplements

• Improved FCR ratio

• NSP hydrolysis

• Improved digestion

• Overall health support


Product Generic Nature Application


• Alpha Galactosidase

• Cellulase

• Pectinase

• Phytase

• Xylanase

Generic enzymes as feed supplements

• Effective digestion

• Improved productivity

NutriVet L 2B Pro-biotic  • Improved gut health, digestion and immunity


Product Generic Nature Application


•   Amylase

•   Cellulase

•  Pectinase

•   Phytase

•   Xylanase

Generic enzymes as feed supplements

• Effective digestion

• Better productivity

NutriVet L 6B Cultures and strains • Improved digestion and productivity

Human Nutrition

Human Nutriton

Cabergoline IP/USP

    • Cabergoline is used to treat high levels of prolactin hormone (hyperprolactinemia) in human body. High levels of prolactin in women can cause symptoms such as unwanted breast milk, missed menstrual cycles and fertility concerns. High levels of prolactin in men can cause symptoms such as enlarged breasts and decreased sexual ability/desire. Cabergoline belongs to a class of drugs called dopamine receptor agonists and works by blocking the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland.

Calcium folinate USP (Folinic acid/Leucovorin)

    • Calcium folinate is the calcium salt of 5-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid. It is an active metabolite of folinic acid (folinic acid is a vitamer for folic acid- B9) and an essential coenzyme for nucleic acid synthesis in cytotoxic therapy. It is given as part of a total chemotherapeutic plan (Calcium folinate rescue), may also be useful in the treatment of acute methotrexate overdose, may be used in combination with the chemotherapy agent 5-fluorouracil in treating colon cancer, may be used to treat or prevent serious blood cell disorders (such as thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, anemia) caused by certain drugs (folic acid antagonists such as methotrexate, trimethoprim, pyrimethamine).

L- Methyl Tetrahyrofolate Calcium (LMF) USP

    • Calcium salt of levomefolic acid. It is used to treat or prevent low folate levels. Folate is a B- vitamin which is needed to form healthy cells, especially red blood cells.

Ormeloxifene IP

    • Ormeloxifene is a non-steroidal Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that is used as an oral contraceptive and to address dysfuntional uterine bleeding.

Serratiopeptidase IP

    • Serratiopeptidase is a proteolytic enzyme (protease). It helps in reducing inflammation. It is also seen to to have antiedemic, analgesic, fibrinolytic and caesinolytic properties.

Valganciclovir Hcl USP

    • Valganciclovir is an anti-viral drug used in adults to prevent infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) that may occur after an organ transplant (heart, kidney or pancreas) and to treat cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis (infection of the eye) in adults with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Voglibose IP/JP

    • Voglibose is an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor (GLP-1) used for lowering post-prandial blood glucose levels in people with diabetes mellitus. Voglibose delays the absorption of glucose thereby reducing the risk of macrovascular complications.


  • Bacillus clausii
  • Bacillus mesentricus
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Clostridium butyricum
  • Lactic Acid Bacillus
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus brevis
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Saccharomyces boulardii
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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Alpha GPC

    • L-Alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine (alpha-GPC, choline alfoscerate) is a natural choline compound found in the brain. Alpha-GPC rapidly delivers choline to the brain across the blood–brain barrier and is a biosynthetic precursor of acetylcholine. It may be used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, stroke, and “mini-stroke” (transient ischemic attack, TIA) and also for improving memory, thinking skills, and learning.

Alpha Tocotrienol

    • Tocopherols and Tocotrienols are group of chemicals that make up the vitamin E family. Both tocotrienols and tocopherols comes in four forms: alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. Alpha Tocotrienol is an antioxidant with the power to reduce inflammation, potentially promoting anti-cancer, anti-aging (skin and hair) and improve GI and heart health. Among the vitamin E analogs, alpha-tocotrienol is more potent and can exert anti-apoptotic neuroprotective action independently of its antioxidant property.

Bioavailable ResArgin

    • Highly bioavailable form of resveratrol which protects a cell’s DNA. It is an antioxidant supplement which may help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals generated due to pollution, sunlight and our body’s natural mechanisms which probably leads to cancer, aging and brain degeneration.

Bovine Colostrum

    • Colostrum is the first form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals (including humans) immediately following delivery of the newborn. Bovine Colostrum (BC) are rich in protein, immunoglobulin, lactoferrin and growth factors and is a great immunity booster. It may help in wide variety of gastrointestinal conditions, including non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drug–induced gut injury, H. pylori infection, immune deficiency related diarrhea as well as infective diarrhea.

Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

    • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that our body produces naturally. Our cells use CoQ10 for growth and maintenance. Levels of CoQ10 in our body may decrease as we age. CoQ10 levels have also been found to be lower in people with certain conditions, such as heart disease. CoQ10 supplementation might help treat certain heart conditions, migraines, Parkinson’s disease, group of disorders that might cause muscle weakness (mitochondrial myopathies).

Delta Tocotrienol

    • Tocopherols and Tocotrienols are group of chemicals that make up the vitamin E family. Both tocotrienols and tocopherols comes in four forms: alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. Delta Tocotrienol is more potent as an antioxidant, cholesterol-lowering agent, activating anticancer effects and improving cardiovascular health.


    • Acetate salt of Ubiquinol with enhanced bioavaiability in comparison to CoQ10 (Ubiquinone). Ubiquinol is critical in the production of ATP, the body’s primary fuel. EnQ10 supplementation may support optimal heart health, natural cellular energy production, help prevent damage in the body caused by oxidative stress, replenish CoQ10 blood levels depleted by certain statin therapies.

Ginseng extract

    • Ginseng is the root of plants in the genus Panax, such as Korean ginseng (P.ginseng) and American ginseng (P.quinquefolius) typically characterized by the presence of ginsenosides and gintonin. It appears to be effective for mood, immunity, cognition, increasing physical endurance, reducing fatigue and to improve the ability to cope with stress.

L-Methyl folate calcium

    • Calcium salt of levomefolic acid. It is used to treat or prevent low folate levels. Folate is a B- vitamin which is needed to form healthy cells, especially red blood cells.

1-Methyl Nicotinamide Chloride

    • It is a metabolite of nicotinamide, a form of Vitamin B3, with anti-inflammatory and anti- thrombotic activity properties.

1-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Chloride (NMN, NAMN, β-NMN)

    • It is a form of vitamin B3 and is a nucleotide derived from ribose and nicotinamide. NMN enters inside the mammalian cell in the form of nicotinamide riboside followed by its subsequent conversion to NMN and NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-plays an important role in transferring energy released from glucose and fatty acids to the mitochondria so that it can be converted into cellular energy). It is a potential neuroprotective and anti-aging agent, which can increase energy, improve cognitive and cardiovascular function, enhance muscle regeneration and improve cholesterol levels.

Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride

    • It is a form of vitamin B3 found to be effective in increasing NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-plays an important role in transferring energy released from glucose and fatty acids to the mitochondria so that it can be converted into cellular energy) in people and is a potential neuroprotective and anti-aging agent which may increase energy, improve cognitive and cardiovascular function, enhance muscle regeneration and improve cholesterol levels.

Pyridoxal-5’-phosphate (P5P)

    • Pyridoxal-5’-phosphate (P5P) is the active and efficient coenzyme form of Vitamin B6 and plays a role in variety of enzymatic reactions in human body. It may help in reducing inflammation, boosting immune system and energy levels, to support positive mood, cognition & relaxation.

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) /Methoxatin

    • PQQ is a compound known to influence multiple cellular pathways and mitochondrial function, and the production of nerve growth factor (NGF). PQQ is an effective nootropic that may support cognitive performance, including memory and attention. It might help reduce fatigue, lethargy and sleep concerns.


    • Resveratrol is an antioxidant which may help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals generated due to pollution, sunlight and our body’s natural mechanisms which probably leads to cancer, aging and brain degeneration.


    • It is a nonsteroidal estrogen which preferentially binds estrogen receptor beta. It is metabolized from daidzein, a type of isoflavone, found in soybeans and other plant sources, by bacterial flora in the intestines. However, only about 30-50% of people have intestinal bacteria that make (S)-equol.

Vitamin K2-4 /Menatetrenone – 4

    • Vitamin K2-4 is one of three types of vitamin K, the other two being Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and K3 (menadione). There are nine chemical variants of Vitamin K2, determined by number of isoprenyl units in their side chain. Vitamin K2-4 may be used as supplement for bone health because of its positive effect on bone mineral density.

Vitamin K2-7 /Menaquinone -7 (Microencapsulated, Powder, Oil)

  • Vitamin K2 or menaquinone is one of three types of vitamin K, the other two being Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and K3 (menadione). There are nine chemical variants of Vitamin K2, determined by number of isoprenyl units in their side chain. It is used as supplement for bone health because of its positive effect on bone mineral density. These effects appear to be accentuated when combined with Vitamin D. It may also help in arterial health (reducing calcification or even decalcifying, with a possible
    • Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are intended to have health benefits when consumed or applied to the body. Different types of probiotics may have different effects when consumed (either as single strain or as combination of strains).


    • Probiotics might


    • 1) Help your body maintain a healthy community of microorganisms or help your body’s community of microorganisms return to a healthy condition after being disturbed.


    • 2) Produce substances that have desirable effects.


    • 3) Influence your body’s immune response.


  • Bifidobacterium Genus
  • Bacillus coagulans
  • Bacillus clausii (Liquid/ Powder, antibiotic resistant)
  • Enterococcus genus
  • Lactobacillus genus
  • Streptococcus genus
    • Digestive enzymes play a key role in breaking down the food we eat. These proteins speed up chemical reactions that turn nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) into substances that our digestive tract can absorb.

Alpha Galactosidase

    • Galactosidase is an enzyme that catalyzes hydrolysis of the terminal α-galactosyl moieties of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. It is used for the prevention of flatulence and bloating attributed to a variety of grains, cereals, nuts, and vegetables containing the sugars raffinose, stachyose, and/or verbascose.

Amylase (Fungal and Bacterial)

    • Amylase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of saccharides into simple sugar molecules such as glucose and maltose.


    • Cellulase breaks down cellulose and convert it to beta-glucose and is an essential part of digesting plant fibers.


    • Once the carbohydrates and starches are broken down by amylases, the glucoamylase enzyme turns them into sugars that provide fuel for the body. A starch rich diet essentially requires good gluocamylase activity.


    • Invertase is a digestive enzyme that separates sucrose into its main components, fructose and glucose. This helps in overall digestion of carbohydrates and starch as well.


    • Lactase helps in digesting milk and dairy products by breaking down lactose, is a type of sugar found in it.


    • Lipases perform essential roles in digestion, transport and processing of dietary lipids (e.g. triglycerides, fats, oils). This enzyme, taken after high fat meal, helps digest fat molecules into smaller molecules, such as fatty acids and glycerol, which are easier for the body to absorb.

Papain IP

    • Papain is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from the raw fruit of the papaya plant. Proteolytic enzymes help break proteins down into peptides and amino acids.

Pancreatin IP/EP/USP/Enteric coated granules

    • Pancreatin is a mixture of amylase, lipase and protease. It is used to treat malabsorption of nutrients due to certain pancreatic disorders.


    • A protease (also called a peptidase or proteinase) is an enzyme that catalyzes proteolysis, the breakdown of proteins into smaller polypeptides or single amino acids.


    • Pectinase is an enzyme that breaks down pectin, a polysaccharide found in plant cell walls of fruits and vegetables. Pectinase, along with cellulase and hemicellulase, helps with the digestion of plant- based foods, increasing their nutritional and prebiotic value.

Pepsin IP



State-of-the-art GMP compliant Production facility Integrated facility to support manufacture of diverse portfolio of products
500 kg manufacturing batch outputs Granulation facility with advanced coating technology
Customized blends as per client specifications Documentation expertise compliant to domestic and international regulations